olive trees and olive branches

Jerusalem. The city of peace. But not piece of mind. When someone says they are a moderate and middle of the road type and they come from Jerusalem they have to be bald-face liar. Maybe its what they called the Jerusalem Syndrome, at least a derivative of it where the inherent violence, racism, excessiveness and overall intensity even though people claim to be perfectly rational and logical, and completely normal in any clinical sense of the word. It’s the other person that’s the problem.

—“There are not many good people like Meir Margalit in our politics,” says about him his extreme right wing negative, Aryeh King, of the Israel Land Fund.
Margalit: “A few years ago, I saw Aryeh King one Friday demonstrating at Paris Square, opposite a group of Women in Black who were standing there. The police asked him to leave, but he refused and they arrested him. It pained me to see a person, never mind if he was a right wing activist, being arrested. I remember, to my regret, too many such stories from Argentina. I came to the detention facility in the Russian Compound and signed a bail bond for him, and thought that this was the end of the story. A week later, I received a call from an elderly man from Haifa who I didn’t know. He read about the story in the right wing newspaper Makor Rishon and asked me whether I was, by any chance, the grandson of Meir Margulis—Read More:http://drmeirmargalit.blogspot.ca/2010/04/dr-meir-margalit-interview-on-yedioth.html image:http://www.myspace.com/israelreggae/photos/13813606

After Fleisher described an ambush he underwent in a narrow street in the Arab-dominated Wadi Joz neighborhood to the north of Jerusalem’s Old City, King warned that any area which does not have a Jewish population could become a hotbed of terrorism.

“There’s no question that once Jews are not there, there is no sovereignty, police are not entering there, this is the basis for anti-Israeli organizations to put their roots …There’s no question, if Jews were living there, things like that would not happen”….

…According to King, the battle for Jerusalem is fierce and “desperate”.Read More:http://www.jewishpress.com/news/on-tisha-bav-jerusalem-activist-calls-to-diaspora-jerusalem-needs-help/2012/07/29/

From Haaretz:…However, despite what King describes as repeated requests, the police has not responded to his demand to secure the evacuation.
In response, King published an ad last week, stating: “Strong men are wanted to legally evacuate Arab squatters, after Niso Shaham announced he won’t allow for the evacuation to take place – the Jews will do it without the police’s aid.”
The right-wing activist added that he was looking for “dozens of unmarried army veterans to arrive this week and clear out the tenets themselves.
“All this month I’ve been sending the Arabs every offer they could care for to evacuate consensually,” King told Haaretz, saying he went to see the Palestinian tenants “personally, to the Arabs, I told them: listen, I’ll let the damages go, just get out, we won’t harm you, we won’t bring you to the brink of bankruptcy too.” …Read More:http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/right-wing-activist-says-will-evacuate-palestinian-family-from-east-jerusalem-home-1.420651

The characters and personalities all seem larger than life.And they are. The old A.M. Klein poems of Jerusalem with their soaring allegories and biblical references, prophetic visions that could never be contained within the confines of snowy Montreal.

The Stanford prison experiment comes to mind, especially with regard to the hard-left and anarchist protestors, pink-washers who espouse the hippity-cool peace and love utopian brand, as well as some sectors of the ultra-religious who also are in the mold of the colonized pariah and bohemian. If you took a sampling and tossed them into Zimbardo’s psycho-percolator they would it seems, invariably fall into the same behavior pattern as Zimbardo’s subject group. His peace-niks became more cruel and sadistic than the guards as they were described by the subject group; more authoriatarian, less humane, less considerate, less compassionate. Go figger that one.

…“The changes are daily. Unfortunately, of course, people are attacked, and there are bad things still happening, but if we compare it to other periods, we are [going in the] the right direction,” King said. “ I think that our success, not just the Israel Land Fund, but other organizations… in general, the major successes are building in Beit Orot a neighborhood of 16 apartments, in Shimon HaTzaddik at the Shepherd Hotel we built 76 Jewish apartments… this is something that is making our enemies almost desperate and because of that, they are allowing themselves to also attack us and to use a kind of weapon or kind of language that they never used, because they saw and they see almost daily that with all of their support that they get from the media, from the United States leadership, even from Israeli even politicians… they are not able to stop us. And this is making them desperate, because they see the Jewish nation from all over the world is much stronger than what they thought it is.”…Read More:http://www.jewishpress.com/news/on-tisha-bav-jerusalem-activist-calls-to-diaspora-jerusalem-needs-help/2012/07/29/

—The three street names to be changed are Old Bethlehem Road in Ras Al Amud, which will be named Ma’aleh Hazeitim, after the nearby Jewish neighborhood. The road connecting the Sultan’s Pool to Silwan will be called Guy Ben Hinom and a street in Jabal Mukkaber will from now on be known as Maaleh Hanatziv Street.
All three name proposals came from Aryeh King, a right-wing activist and a leader of the Jewish settlement movement in East Jerusalem. Meir Margalit, a city counselor and a member of the naming committee, told Haaretz that the naming of the three streets was “part of a master plan to change the area’s profile.”
The committee also decided to name a street after the right-wing radio broadcaster Aryeh Zik, of Arutz 7 and other media associated with the right wing. —Read More:http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/comic-s-family-object-to-naming-east-jerusalem-street-after-him-1.8496 image:http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/photo/2012-01/19/c_131367800.htm

If you took a bunch of them, a representative sample of Jerusalem citizens, first you&

7;d need a large sample, and placed them in the context of Milgram’s experiment, it is not a leap of faith to at least consider that they would not follow process of gradual electric shocks culminating in the highest; they might lunge for the “max” button with little prodding. That’s how tense it seems there. What could Mitt Romney have written in his note placed in the Western Wall?


(see link at end)…King: “It’s simply wonderful that even these days, it is possible to have a good relationship with people with whom I disagree with over 95 percent of their opinions. From a human standpoint, I wish there were more right wing people like him.”

Q: So how do you reconcile this with his politics?

“That’s it, I think that all of his activity on behalf of the Arabs comes from exactly this place. The problem is that he isn’t aware of the fact that the Arabs are simply taking advantage of his good-heartedness, and in the end it will boomerang back at him.” Read More:http://drmeirmargalit.blogspot.ca/2010/04/dr-meir-margalit-interview-on-yedioth.html

The Chairman of the East Jerusalem Public Complaints Bureau, Aryeh King, affiliated with the National Union-National Religious Party, castigated the decision of Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to appoint left-wing Meretz party council member Meir Margalit to handle the ultra-sensitive East Jerusalem file in the municipality.

“He leads the Committee against the Demolishing of Homes, an organization that supports a boycott of Israel, and rebuilds East Jerusalem court-order demolished homes. He will be in a position to approve or deny demolishing in East Jerusalem, and this is a severe conflict of interests. From now on, the municipality representative on any possible forum will be a Meretz man in favor of the division of the city. He has been defaming the State of Israel for years, and will now decide on East Jerusalem projects. The Mayor has made a ‘left turn’, and the public should relate to him accordingly.”

The Meretz left-wing party that Dr. Meir Margalit belongs to, supports a Palestinian state, the dismantling of most of the Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria, and the division of Jerusalem.

Why even bother appointing Margalit, when Barkat could just appoint Abbas?

The real question is will anyone who let this happen last time around learn from their mistake so that Barkat doesn’t get to be the second coming of Teddy Kollek for another term. Read More:http://www.ruthfullyyours.com/2011/07/02/daniel-greenfield-the-weekly-roundup-part-2/

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