Comments on: DANCE NOW PAY LATER: LIQUIDITY TRAP BALLET /dance-now-pay-later-liquidity-trap-ballet/ Art and media blog of the unexpected Wed, 15 Dec 2010 20:08:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave /dance-now-pay-later-liquidity-trap-ballet/comment-page-1/#comment-22073 Dave Fri, 08 Oct 2010 00:28:51 +0000 /?p=20711#comment-22073 Its complex issue. Like Adam Smith before him, the manifestation and the theory suffers from a perversion. It seems to come back again to the power of these large corporations ability to influence policy. Its complex issue. Like Adam Smith before him, the manifestation and the theory suffers from a perversion. It seems to come back again to the power of these large corporations ability to influence policy.

By: Marìa /dance-now-pay-later-liquidity-trap-ballet/comment-page-1/#comment-22070 Marìa Thu, 07 Oct 2010 22:49:42 +0000 /?p=20711#comment-22070 I think are not Lord Keynes`s ideas which are dominating the world nowadays, but Milton Friedman`s from Chicago University; the Consensus of Washington took his ideas, guess, on how the excess of wealth made through privatizations of all richness in the world, would spill as champagne from the glass to the lower classes; they managed to convince some, others were profitting of the game. Lord Keynes idea about full employment would lead to peace; full employment all over the world, I say, for maybe he was only thinking on Europe and USA. Capitalism needs to diminish itself to be able to grow again, I think, just as China diminished Comunism. I think are not Lord Keynes`s ideas which are dominating the world nowadays, but Milton Friedman`s from Chicago University; the Consensus of Washington took his ideas, guess,
on how the excess of wealth made through privatizations of all richness in the world, would spill as champagne from the glass to the lower classes; they managed to convince some, others were profitting of the game.

Lord Keynes idea about full employment would lead to peace; full employment all over the world, I say, for maybe he was only thinking on Europe and USA. Capitalism needs to diminish itself to be able to grow again, I think, just as China diminished Comunism.
