the unexplained: Bacon’s believe it or rot

The Shakespeare hoax. The bard’s identity game is an old one. With Freud and Mark Twain even taking a kick at the can. James Hudson had a theory, plausible, in which Shakespeare was actually a woman, Amelia Bassano, a converso Italian Jew. Time will tell, but the Francis Bacon theory remains one of the most enduring, assuming proportions it is connected to Arcadia and the Rennes de Chateau mystery, placing it in the headlights of Dan Brown territory. But then again, it might be “much ado about nothing.”

---David Teniers the Younger, Dulle Griet (Mad Meg) --- 1640- Read More:

Jonathan Kay:Various anti-Stratfordian conspiracists of 19th-century vintage, for instance, believed the works attributed to Shakespeare were in fact coded manifestos written by proto-republicans (led by Bacon) as a means to undermine Elizabethan tyranny. In the most ambitious version of this fantasy, it is imagined that Shakespeare’s — sorry, Bacon’s — plays actually created the template for the United States Constitution — and that Bacon’s plot against the monarchy, had it succeeded, might have pre-empted the need for an American Revolution, thereby saving the British empire.

Such intellectual “frolics” weren’t much fun for obsessive Shakespeare conspiracy theorists like Orville Ward Owen, a Detroit doctor who actually built a decoding machine — consisting of two large spinning drums on which he pasted thousands of pages of Baconian texts. (The device survives in a Montana museum.) In the blurred, moving texts, he hoped to see the secret messages that would unlock the secret of Shakespeare’s plays. These experiments took over his life….

---Bacon held a fascination with mysterious codes and ciphers, which could link him to the enigmatic inscribed stone discovered in the Money Pit. In fact, a Dr Orville Ward Owen, a follower of Bacon's ciphers followed instructions in a Baconian cipher and discovered a mysterious underground chamber beneath the bed of the River Wye, in the West of Britain. Although it was disappointingly empty, further Baconian ciphers were to be found carved on the walls. In the opinion of Dr Owen, Bacon had always intended to conceal his manuscripts below the Wye. This was in the tradition of the ancient Visigoths who redirected rivers and buried their dead beneath in secret tombs. Issues of plagiarism were particularly of issue at this time, with censorship developing into a heated area of debate. Could it be that Bacon, feared that his secret might be discovered had had second thoughts, deciding that the River Wye location was not secure enough? To link Bacon with Canada, in 1610, King James I granted Bacon land in Newfoundland, connecting him to the proximity of Oak Island. Sir Francis Bacon was familiar with the science of preserving manuscripts in mercury. This coupled with his fascination in secret chambers points directly to the Money Pit. The finding of ancient flasks containing mercury plus the recovery of a piece of mysterious parchment allows the theory to become more credible. Consider the expert knowledge of geography which could have been made available to Bacon, had his father really been Sir Francis Drake. The acclaimed explorer could have quite possibly come across Oak Island on his travels and the pit, maybe a natural shaft, would have made the ideal location for the hiding of such valuable documents in a protective bath of mercury.--- Read More:

…On his deathbed in 1924, he lamented his wasted years, and warned others to avoid the “Bacon controversy.” “When I discovered the Word Cipher, I had the largest practice of any physician in Detroit,” he warned an admirer. “[But now, I] lost my fortune, ruined my health, and today am a bedridden almost penniless invalid.”…

---He was connected with Shugborough Hall in England, the site of a strange inscription referring to Arcadian treasure. This same treasure is linked to Rennes le Chateau in France and the Knights Templar. Surely, with his contemporaries familiar with the mysterious disappearance of the fabled Arcadian treasure from France and the possibility that Sir Francis Drake could have informed his illegitimate son about Oak Island, this connection is worth consideration. Had the Arcadian treasure made it to Oak Island through the Knights Templars' journey to Canada, the location would be an ideal place to hide further valuable items, especially if Bacon himself was a follower, fuelling his interest in ciphers, a typical trait of the Masons.--- Read More:

…Wiser words were never spoken by any crank.Read More:


In fact, the code that Bacon described unlocks many of the mysteries of the First Folio. The key to the Shakespeare code was embedded in a book that was widely circulated in his time and to the present. Yet it was more than 250 years before anyone realized that Bacon’s writings on ciphers were not just theoretical, but they were describing his method for recording a secret history of his times.

Francis Bacon used this and other codes to conceal his work in books published under his own name and under the names of Shakespeare, Spenser, Marlowe and others of the time. The hidden messages tell a startling story. The

veal state secrets and scandals—the marriage of a “Virgin Queen,” murder and intrigue, corruption and lies at the highest levels of the government. And they also tell the personal life story of Francis Bacon himself.Read More:

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