weird worlds: men in dangerous times

Jesse Marinoff Reyes ( Jesse Marinoff Reyes Design, Maplewood, N.J.)

most of the time I just want to showcase an old comic book, with or without commentary, and this will be the forum. I grew up with comic books in what is historically the Silver Age (1956-1970) and Bronze Age (1970-1985) of comics, and have a deep affection and professional respect for the creators of that era—fueling my own tenure in comic books as a designer/editor in the early-1990s, and shaping my tastes as an art director overall. I still collect comic books, though much of what is produced today hardly meets the standards that the over-abused and under-appreciated Masters of the past rendered so effortlessly, or should I say professionally. You will find them here, very much appreciated.

--- When wasn't Mars attacking Earth? Well, the cover of EC's Weird Science #16 (by Wood) inspired Topps to create the Mars Attacks bubblegum card set (drafted by Wood and fellow EC stalwart, Bob Powell, then painted by Pulp master Norman Saunders. ...Although you could be thinking of this Gold Key Comic Wood did in the mid-1960s called M.A.R.S. Patrol (recently collected in trade paper) described thusly: "Its premise is that America has been invaded by a mysterious military force (wearing purple uniforms and bearing a crab insignia). The merciless invaders kill civilians without hesitation and take their own lives to avoid capture. Key to fighting the invaders is the Marine Attack Rescue Service, who are a bit like S.E.A.L.s or the Green Berets. The M.A.R.S. soldiers are a multiracial force who shuttle back and forth across America on desperate missions to stop invader advances." ---

( above) T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agent Dynamo
Tower Comics, March 1967 issue, #3
Illustration: Wally Wood (1927-1981)

One of the covers for a short-lived (four issues) series, spun-off from the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents parent series—but all had Wally Wood covers.

---Edgar Rice Burroughs---

( above) Weird Worlds
DC Comics, July 1973 issue, #6
Illustration: Michael Wm Kaluta (b. 1947)

It only lasted 10 issues (with only the first seven featuring the sci-fi adventure heroes created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, thusly “Tarzan Presents…”), but I devoured each and every issue of the continuing adventures of John Carter of Mars and David Innes lost in Pellucidar (from ERB’s novel, At the Earth’s Core). The last three issues introduced Howard Chaykin’s sword & sorcery/sci-fi hero, Iron Wolf.

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